Are you a local Michigander or visiting Michigan and looking to connect and experience more in Southeast Michigan? Are you hoping to capture all the fun our little corner of the state can offer to your friends and family? No worries, the SEMI eNews is your ticket to discovery! With the SEMI eNews, we have your back and welcome you to be part of our in-the-know family as we tout all the great things happening in Southeast Michigan.
No matter where you are in the state, you can easily connect to the latest and greatest events, news, and more in SE Michigan!
We encourage you to gas up your car and hop on the road with the SEMI eNews today! We can ensure you that your day will be full of excitement and safe adventures for all to enjoy and take part in! To make the happenings and events even more accessible, be sure to join our eClub and join us on the road every two weeks for a trip around our little corner of the Mitten State. With our eClub, you can avoid all those google searches looking for things to do. Instead, it will get sent right to your inbox with news and events on sports, health, tasty treats to try, good news, business tips and networking, family outings, and so much more!
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