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Business Events
During this time, we suggest checking in with your local chambers and small business associations for helpful tips, assistance, and support:
Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber
Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber
U.S. Small Business Administration
Michigan Small Business Development Center
In addition, brush up on your business and marketing skills with the following courses:
IRS Small Business Tax Virtual Workshop
In conclusion, you can also check out these tips to help protect your business during this time:
- Keeping Cash Flow Alive. Your cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. To keep your business health in good condition, finding other alternatives or changing how the business is operating is one way to survive during this time.
- Reviewing Management. Now is the perfect time for you to really analyze your inventory cost. Perhaps you have an item that can be changed in price? Is there an expense you could eliminate? Just because you purchased something in the past doesn’t mean you have to keep it that way anymore – especially if it saves you money.
- Focus on the Core. During this time too often business focus their energy on extra services and products. This is just adding more diversion within your business and is taking money away. Drop all the extra expenses and narrow it down to core competencies.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
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